Introduction :
This academy is located in the private mansion " Assézat " , the largest Renaissance Style mansion in our city.

It is the courtyard, when you come in front of you, that we see a door.
It gives access to the temple of secular poetry : The famous academy of Floral Games.
It is the one of that houses is called the " Clémence Isaure " .
The Toulouse blog is a huge gift , because normally is not accessible to the public.
But what is this mysterious academy ?
What is it for ?
So many questions that we will see together.
The academy of Floral Games : Definition.

In fact, you should know that in France, there are a Floral Games academy in all major French cities.
Since the Middle Ages, it function has been to promote and reward poetry in all its forms.
Every year, a competition is organized and the winner is awarded the flowers of the Flower Games academy.
The Floral Games academy of Toulouse :
Well my friends, you don't believe me, but the Floral Games academy of Toulouse is the oldest in the world !!! .
To find the explanation, we will do a little history.
It was granted the status of academy by Louis XIV in 1794 and aimed to promote poetry in all its forms.
But is fact, in Toulouse, its birth dates back to 1324.
Our academy is therefore 700 years old.
Why was it composed immediately in Toulouse ?
The answer is to be found in the fact that in Toulouse in the 12th. and 13th. centuries we had the presence of 'Troubadours " ' An occitan Trobador ".
In the south of France they were Troubadours from " Langue d'oc " who tried to seduce with charming words, simplicity and beauty.
They were in a way lyric poets.
Great poets and writers have won their flowers such has : Victor Hugo, Ronsard and Chateaubriand.
The first winner was " Arnaud Vidal " , rewarded in 1324 with a golden violet.
What a magnificent symbol, because I remind you that the Toulouse violet is the embematic flower of our city.
Even it for a moment political controversies wanted to call in to question this academy, it is still present.
Nowadays, contemporary poets who write in French and Occitan participate in the activity of the academy.
Numerous prizes reward the productions of youg poets and contribute to the promotion of the poetry in school.
Today they remain present in the minds of the Troubadours.
To celebrate the 700th. anniversary of the Toulouse Floral Games academy, a competition was lauched for the creation of a stamp with the collaboration of the post office.
The history of stamps in France :
The post office in France is 600 years old.
With the advent of email, SMS, computer and AI, we could fear the disappearance of the latter.
Well, it is in France that stamp has held up the best, for two main reasons.
The stamp serves as a promotion for our territories.
Indded, France has always been attached to its territories and the post office has made it possible to disseminate our territories troughout the world.
In partnership with Floral Games post office tries to get young people interested in heritage.
The post organized two competition every year to promote our territories.
The first is open to postal workers who present their manuscript and the other to individuals.
Today, our communes created in 1324, our departement in 1791 and our region in 1972 order stamps from the post office to promote thier territory.
The stamp is seen as a work of art and the academy of Floral Games contributes to the persistence of the stamp in France.
The stamp in France is perceived as a work of art, it is rare which enhances its creative value.
We can event say that it falls into the realm of local craftsmanship.
The stamp is a sort of sacralization of our territories.
The post office is contantly creating new, modern techniques to make the stamp even more beautiful and precise.
The competition to celebrate the 700th. anniversary of the Floral Games Toulouse academy:
A competition was open to all young artists in our region.
Very strict specifications have been put in place, including mandatory criteria :
Many colors were to be present on this stamp.
The pink of the Toulouse brick and the blue of the pastel.
The presence also os flowers, the figure of " Clémence Isaure " and Assézat private mansion was desired.
This stamp will be published in a single 702 000 copies on May 3 in Paris and Toulouse.
On May 4, you can go and get it at the cenral post office behind the Capitole.
Conclusion :
We can say that a big procedure was put in place for the creation of this stamp.
We can therefore thank the Floral Games academy of Toulouse, the post office and all authorities.
That's all my friends, is all for today.
I'm happy, thanks to this post to have presented to you the famous history of the Toulouse Floral Games academy of which we can be proud.
It is part of our heritage but also contributes to its promotion.
I advise you to look at the Toulouse blog calandar, you will find all the festivities that will take place for the publication of this magnificent stamp.
Welcome in Toulouse.
The blog from Toulouse.
Greetings Franck.