In Toulouse :
La " Guiguette " du Bassin des Filtres " Le Gros Arbre ", The big tree:

In a bucolic setting steeped in history, there is a " Guiguette " in the center of Toulouse : " Le Gros Arbre ".
What is immediately striking is the calm that reigns in these place.
The " Guiguette " is in fact an old lock keeper's house.
You can have a drink or eat somethnig.
In terms of catering, you will be offered regional dishes including a good cassoulet and old dishes from our grandmothers.
Phone : 07/65/87/29/34.
Toulouse boats : Port de la Daurade : next to the Daurade Church in the center of Toulouse.

It offers tours on the Canal du Midi from Mars to June.
Sometimes, the circuit can be coupled with one passsage of a lock to navigate on the Garonne river.
This circuit on this magnificent work which the Canal du Midi are magical moments not to be missed.
Phone : 05/61/80/22/26.
Barge in the Port de l'Embouchure " Barge ZAMBEZI " :
This barge parked at the mouth of Embouchure offers a completely innovative concept.
In fact, it offers cooking classes on the water.
It is run by " Ludovic Jaumont ".
Embark on this barge for an unforgetable moment.
Barge Museum " Claude Nougaro " : in the Port de l'Embouchure.

This barge is dedicated to the artist and his work.
Indeed, the singer had a true love for his city and is it he who is the author and performer of this magnificent song about Toulouse : O Toulouse ".
This song is a true love anthem to his native city . There you will find permanent or temporary exhibitions as well as a " barbarian " café.
Family photos, manuscripts, original drawing and even works art will be exhibited.
Website : https://maison-nougaro.fr
The " Guiguette " Museau Muselle along the banks of the Canal du Midi at Matabiau station.

It is an old lock keeper's house which has been restored and is a " Guiguette " .
You can go to have a drink or to eat.
It has a beautiful terrace with lanterns on the backs of the Canal du Midi.
Musical entertainment is offered in summer, including DJs.
Adress : 88, Boulevard Pierre Semard 31 500 Toulouse.
Link : museaumusette.fr
Phone : 06/60/65/42/16.
The bicycle center at Matabiau Station :

If you want to take a bucolic ride along the Canal du Midi by bike, I strongly advise you rent th bikes at the " Maison du vélo " . I tested myself, the service offered is impeccable.
If you encounter a problem during your walk call them, and they come to help you !!! .
I advice you to head toward the south-east of Toulouse, towards Ramonville Saint Agne where the cycle paths are of very good quality.
If you have a problem on route they will come to help you out.
You can eat something at " The maison du Vélo " , and the cuisine is made with seasonal products.
Barge " La maison de la Violette " : The house of the violet.

You will be welcomed by Hélène the owner of the place.
You can discover a permanent exhibition on the cultivation of this magnificent plant.
A product tasting will also be offered to you.
In fine weather , a tea room on the upper deck will allow you to eat.
In win ter, thanks to a greenhouse, you can buy violets there.
The violet is the emblematic flower of our city.
That's why our football team plays in purple and why our traditional costume has a lot of purple.
Adresse : 3 Boulevard de Bonrepos 31 000 Toulouse.
Barge " Saint-Louis " :

This barge offer you to opportunity to organize whether you can a company or individuals, your festive events.
It has a large open-air upper deck and a modular room inside.
Website : https://peniche-saint-louis.fr
Contact : contact@peniche-saint-louis.fr
Adresse : 35, Boulevard Griffour Doreval 31 400 Toulouse.
Phone : 07/61/92/39/57.
Barge " MOVING YOGA " : La Jonque.

You can indulge in the practice of both : Yoga, Pilates, Yoga hood, Gi Gong, Ground Bar, and hearty food.
Staff development courses are offered.
Adresse : 26, Boulevard Griffour Dorval 31 400 Toulouse.
Mail : hello@movingyoga_toulouse.com
Phone : 07/66/76/48/28
The barge " SAMSARA " :

This barge offers you to rent it, in order to celebrate your festive events Wethere you are a company or an individual.
You will notice for a magical navigation of the Canal du Midi while tasting the gourment and refined cuisine of the chef " Ludovic " .
This barge has 55m2 deck with sound and covered in winter.
She has air-conditioned room of 55 m2 and modular.
I tested and was not disappointed for a friend's birthday.
Website : https://www.samsara.fr
Ramonville Saint Agne " Port Sud " :

The barge " DIDASCAL " : Port Sud Ramonville Saint Agne.

This barge is cultural place that offers shows for children and adults in the form of concerts, improve theater, dance, shadow theater, musical tales and workshops.
I find this concept very interesting and very original : Enjoy culture while on the Canal du Midi.
Adresse : Port Sud , rue Frederico Lorca 31 520 Ramonville Saint Agne.
Electric boat rental without licence " A l'abordage Moussaillon " :
This company offers hourly electric boat rental without a licence, for a trip on the peaceful banks of the Canal du Midi.
The boats are parked at " the Port des Soupirs " in Toulouse and " Port Sud " in Ramonville Saint Agne.
Website : https://a-l-abordage-mousaillon.com
Phone : 07/83/48/78/85.
Castanet-Tolosan : The lock keeper's house ' L'Ecluse " :

This lock keeper's house is a restaurant and tea room on the banks of Canal du Midi in a quiet bucolic location.
The restaurant is open all year around.
The cuisine that will offered to you is traditional, rich and regional.
You can go to eat there you won't be disappointed the food. The tea room is
open on Saturday and Sunday.
The establishment has a magnificent terrace on the banks of the Canal du Midi to eat in winter and summer.
One place I have personally tried and that I recommend.
Adresse : chemin Daugustin 31 320 Castanet-Tolosan.
Website : https://www.l-ecluse-de-castanet.fr
Phone : 05/61/81/51/67.
Port Lauraguais :

Electric boat rental without lisence " Nicol's " Port Lauraguais.

Boats are at your disposal with a capacity two to 12 people.
Thematic cruises will be offered to you.
This company is present throughout the territory.
They are very professional.
Website : https://www.nicols.com
Mail : nicols@nicols.com
The Restaurant " La Dînée " :

The establishment is run by " Georges Gouttes " who will offer you regional cuisine including his famous Castelnaudary cassoulet.
You will eat in a pleasant and bright room
The room staff and great professionalism.
Website : hhtps://www.ladinee.com
The tribut to the Toulouse performer and singer " Claude Nougaro " :

On the Port Lauraguais area, you can discover a magnificent wrought iron stage in homage to the Toulouse performer and singer " Claude Nougaro " .
This singer loved Toulouse and his region.
He had a lot of success in France.
Port of Castelnaudary :

The Restaurant " Le Cassoulet gourmand " opening at th End March 2024.

The restaurant welcomes you opposite The Castelnaudary marina with a cute little terrace.
Renowned for its excellent Cassoulet, you can also discover a cooking using fresh and regional products.
Possibility to buy local products on :
Adresse : 19 Quai du Port 11 400 Castelnaudary.
Website : https://www.lecassouletgourmand.com
Phone : 04/68/60/19/72.
Electric boat rental without license " Bateau Saint-Roch " :
You will explore the Canal du Midi .
You will visit the Grand Bassin, the monuments of the old town and pass though an electric lock.
Open from first April to October 31, 2024.
Adresse : 20, Quai du Port de Castelnaudary 11 400.
Website : https://saintroch11.com
Phone : 06/62/03/49/40.
BONUS: A place not to be miss in Casrelnaudary : " Ecluse Saint-Roch " " Saint-Roch keeper's house ".
That's all for today my friends.
I wish you a beautiful walks, meetings and unusual activities on the Canal du Midi .
Welcome in Toulouse.
The blog from Toulouse.
Greetings Franck .