Toulouse is the European and even the global capital of aviation as we have surpassed Boieng.
Very quickly, the mayor of the time and the entire population of Toulouse wanted to cerate an aviation museum.
it's natural, our city are always had a strong connection with aeronautics.
We found the location near Toulouse airport, 1, Alley André Turcat 31 7 000 Blagnac.
Then the project was launched, it took a little delay, as it was necessary to find the funds.
It was in January 2015 that the museum was inaugurated. It's a unique place not to be missed.
it attracted more than 288 000 visitors in 2018 and now I think much more.
The visit is done in two stages:
First you will visit an oval-shaped building in which you will find a multitude of airplanes and you will learn about the history of aeronautics.
Secondly, you will move towards two outdoor tarmacs. You will discover the legendary planes built in Toulouse, which have made our city famous.
The interior of Aeroscopia:

Inside this magnificent oval-shaped hangar, you will find the star of the place, the Concorde.
You will be able to observe many other planes, models, and learn about the history of aviation.
This museum works well because it is interactive, you participate in many experiences and it continually renews itself.
What's great it that you can get into the airplanes, and it's magical.
A Toulouse Association, the "Ailes Anciennes" ( old Wings ), renovated warplanes and gives them to Aeroscopia for display.
So, you can also observe legends like the Mirage, and the MIG, among many others.
Aeroscopia's latest acquisition in a life-sized LEGO X-wing.
Outside Aeroscopia:

Outside Aeroscopia, you will have access to two tarmacs where you can see the airplanes that made the aeronautics history of Toulouse.

One the first tarmac, the star is the Concorde.
You will feel a great emotion seeing this beautiful bird.
On the second tarmac, the star is the Airbus A380. Prepare yourself for a grand experience, just like this extraordinary airplane. You will be able to observe different interior layouts of this plane.

That's all for today.
If you come to Toulouse, do not miss visiting Aeroscopia. It had managed to rise to the level of the World's greatest aeronautical museums.
One last detail, there is another complete tour of the Airbus factories complex.
I have done it and is fantastic and unforgettable. Please note, tickets for the Airbus factories tour can be purchased at Aeroscopia.
Welcome in Toulouse.
The Blog from Toulouse.
Greetings Franck.