Introduction :
As you now know Toulouse is the city that was built over 2 000 years ago by the romans.
It was even elevated to the rank of a colony , equipped with ramparts, and had a population of 20 000 inhabitants.
Today, I invite you to explore the museum that will take you through this rich historical past : The Gallo-Roman Archaeological Museum " Saint-Raymond " .
History of " Saint-Raymond " Museum :
In the 13th. century, the building was a university college.
Rebuilt in 1523 with terracotta bricks, it became housing for poor students , who came to study theology , medicine, arts, and law ! .
Seized during the French Revolution, it became a national building which was purchased by the city in 1836.
The building was renovated by " Eugène Viollet-le-Duc " between 1868 and 1871.
It became the " Saint-Raymond " Museum in 1892 and was listed as a historical monument in 1975 ! .
The Exhibitions :
The Permanent Exhibitions :
Introduction :
These collections include no less than 29 000 objects, with only 3% displayed across 3 levels.
They are constantly supplemented by discoveries made during major construction projects in Toulouse.
The collections allow for an exploration of local history from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages.
The majority of the objects on display help to better understand TOLOSA in antiquity !!!.
The exhibition in second level :
In the history of Toulouse , three peoples occupied the ancient city.
Firstly, in the 2nd. century BC., it was the Gauls who settled on 200 hectares with a fortified city.
At the end on the 1st. century BC., TOLOSA was occupied by the Romans .
The Gallic city was then abandoned, and TOLOSA was built on the right bank of the Garonne river, which is the curent historic center.
On the second floor, you can discover a remarkable collection of statues representing the very first family of emperors of the Roman Empire , the " Julio-Claudian " dynasty .
From the 5th. century, the Visigoths settled in Toulouse.
It became the capital of their Kingdom in 507.
Here too, you can discover many objects as evidence of their past presence.
The first level :
You will discover a sculpted decoration dating back to the 3rd. century, unique in the world .
The depict deities and members of the family of Emperor "Maximian Hercule " .
The reliefs depict the labors of Hercules, as Maximilian had won many battles during his lifetime !!! .
The permanent collections in the basement :
It is the most poignant moment of the visit to the " Saint-Raymond " Archaeological Museum of Toulouse .
During archaeological excavations carried out between 1994 and 1996 in the basement of the Museum, numerous priceless remains of TOLOSA , the Ancient were discovered :
An ancient necropolis.
A remarkable hot Klin used to produce building materials.
The foundations of the oldest hospital in Toulouse from the 12th. century .
The foundations of the first 13th. century college .
About a hundred tombs and sarcophagi are also present .
Remember that as you stroll through Toulouse, beneath your feet lies TOLOSA the Roman city !!!.
The temporary Exhibitions :
The " Saint-Raymond " Archaeological Museum of Toulouse regularly offers temporary exhibitions of specific themes.
Workshops for the children are also organized there on a regular basis .
For more information, please refer to the museum's website .
The exterior of the Museum :

Surrounding this beautiful Toulouse building dating from 1523 a small garden with an exotic feel.
You will find a lovely little kiosk where you can enjoy a drink where you can enjoy a drink while admiring the magnificent " Saint-Sernin " Basilica, a UNESCO World Heritage Sites, standing before you !.
That's all for today my friends.
If you ever visit Toulouse and want to learn more about its rich past, I highly recommend visiting the " Saint-Raymond " Archaeological Museum of Toulouse.
You will undoubtedly take a magnificent leap into the past !!! .
Welcome in Toulouse.
The blog from Toulouse.
Greetings, Franck .
