It is part of one of the most iconic buildings in our city.
It is located on the banks of the Garonne.

It had been listed as a national heritage site and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998 because Toulouse is an importante stop on the Way of " Saint-Jacques " .
The history :

At the beginning , it was a religion fonction.
Its origin dates back to the founding around 1130 by the prior of " La Daurade of the Sainte-Marie " hospital intended to care for the poor.
It will often bear a name related to the various bridges that will be built to connect the hospital to the historic right bank of the Garonne.
The construction in 1179 of the " Pont de la Daurade, or Vieux Pont " , ( Old Bridge ) , reinforced its role as a hospital in relation to the pilgrims on the Way " Saint-Jacques " .
In the 13th. century , the new Hospital was built and managed by the Saint-Jacques brotherhood to welcome pilgrims .
It was in the 14th. century that these buildings were merged under the name " Saint-Jacques Hospital " .
In the 16th. century , it took on the name we know it by toady " Hôtel Dieu " , and became the largest hospital in Toulouse .
In 17th. and 18th. centuries many expansions were undertaken thanks to the construction ordered by " François 1er. " of the " Pont Neuf " , which is currently in Toulouse and you can read about it in the blog post .
Today, it houses the headquarters of the hospitals of Toulouse :
It also hosts a European research center of skin .
the association of friends of " Hôtel Dieu Saint-Jacques " .
The museum of medicine of " Hôtel Dieu Saint-Jacques " .
In 1639, the Old Bridge " the Vieux-Pont " was demolished, and only the last pier is still visible attached to the hospital .
I refer you to the post on the " Pont Neuf " , which retraces the history of the bridge.
A second inner courtyard was also created a little later.
It was after the difficulties during the French Revolution that the " Hôtel Dieu " embraced modern medicine gradually evolving into its current form .
The Architecture :

The building is U-Shaped with a garden featuring a gigantic shell.
Access through the main wing via a monumental staircase topped with a statue of " Saint-Jacques " .
It leads to the largest staircase, illuminated by a vast Italian bay window, and provides access to the historic rooms.
The Hall of Columns .
The Pilgrims' Hall .
The chapel .
The museum of medicine .
The Hall of Columns :

It served as a hospital ward until 1962.
After having two names, " the Ward the injured and Saint Lazare Ward ", it was transformed in 1858 with the installation of 24 supporting columns .
It is a room, like entire building, that is typically Toulouse architectural style .
Indeed , the walls are all made of terracotta bricks, the floor is black-and-white checkerboard , and large windows a splendid view of old Toulouse and the Garonne .
The Pilgrims Hall :

Created in 1861 and formal called the " Salle des Pas Perdus " " Salle of the assembly or Portrait room " , it has always been a meshing or reception hall .
The Chapel :

Rebuilt on the site of the former " Sainte-Marie-de-la-Daurade " chapel in 1861 by the architect " DELOR ", who endowed it with a vaulted ceiling, it regained all its beauty thanks to thorough restoration in 1997 .
The Jean de Rudelle Space :
Located at the entrance of the conciergerie, it where the two museums meet, with a glass wall offering a depiction of the history of the hospitals.
The " Hôtel Dieu Saint-Jacques " was an orphanage :
At the top of the grand monumental staircase , in a wall niche, a real revolving cabinet has been reconstructed : this is the " Tour " .
The babies that mothers did not which to keep were left there at night .
This rotating system from the Middle Ages had an official function in the 16th. century .
In addition to basic care, the abandoned children were given , an education .
The entire system was of course, managed by nuns .
Later on, it would also take in the poor and the sick .
At the age of 7, the general hospital took responsibility for providing them with an education, particulary teaching them a trade .
The girls became chambermaids or good wives .
Assistance for unmarried mothers was created in the 14th. century and took ove .
The historic rooms of '" hôtel Dieu Saint-Jacques " can be rented for conferences, wedding, and private events.
My friends that all for today .
I hope, it will be discover this emblematic place of Toulouse.
If you come one day in Toulouse, to visit our city, this place must be absolutely visiting.
Welcome in Toulouse.
The blog from Toulouse.
Greetings, Franck .
BONUS PHOTOS INSIDE THE " Hôtel Saint-Jacques " :