It was undoubtedly the architectural treasure of Toulouse.
Between medieval times and the beginning of the 20th century, no less than 200 private mansions were built in the pink city.
During the Renaissance era, Toulouse mansions were very clearly inspired by their Italian cousins.
But why these private mansions?
What does it represent?
We're going to go to back in time a little to answer there questions.

It was at the time of the construction of the new bridge " Le Pont Neuf " between 1544 and 1632 that the chapterhouse and pastel hotels which bear witness to the golden age of Toulouse began to appear.
Their construction was possible thanks to the advent of the pastel trade:

I will post again later on a post solely dedicated to pastel.
The latter is a magical plant whose crushed leaves produce this blue pigment so prized by textile manufacturers.
Here it is pastel blue and its trade which made the wealth of Toulouse.
Indeed large Toulouse families made their fortune thanks to the pastel trade.
Symbol of private mansions:

The private mansions on the consequence of the ennoblement of a large Toulouse family having made their fortune thanks to the pastel trade.
Each family wanted to build the most beautiful mansions, with the tallest tower.
In fact, a competition began to see, who would be the owner of the most magnificent chapter house in Toulouse.
They are therefore a symbol of power, wealth and influence.
Even the king of France Louis XIV who had two colors to present him, the blue and the purple of the king of England, chose to adopt only blue upon the advent of pastel blue.
At the beginnig of the 19th. century, Napoleon I created an experimental school in Albi to extract the blue color from pastel leaves, reducting the color extraction time from eight months to a few days.
As a result, the soldiers of the empire will all be dressed in pastel blue.
It was around 1720 that Leonardo da Vinci first used pastel as a drawing material.
Then it was between 1720 and 1750 that pastel was introduced with the impressionist painter " Rosalba Carriera " .
Many impressionist painters will follow such as : Degas, Berthe Morisot and Toulouse-Lautrec .
My friends that's all for today.
In the futurn I will you main private mansions of Toulouse.
I hope you will enjoy reading this introduction which for me essential, in order to better understand the history of private mansions in Toulouse and what represents.
And if you one day come to visit Toulouse, you will go for a stroll, for a treasure hunt.
At the corner of a street, you will come accross an open porch, you will go insideand discover a splendid mansion.
That's is what gives our pink city its charm.
Welcome in Toulouse.
The blog from Toulouse.
Greetings Franck.