Saint-Etienne Cathedral of Toulouse:
Hello everybody, I hope is doing well.
Today, I'm going to talk to you about Saint-Etienne Cathedral of Toulouse and her square.
The topic is indeed quite interesting and you will quickly understand why.
The exact date of of construction for the cathedral of Saint-Etienne is not very well know.
It is believed that in a 3rd century, Saint Saturnin , who had established a Catholic community in Toulouse, created a place of worship at that very location.
This is early place of worship laid the fondation for the subsequent construction of the cathedral of Saint-Etienne.
At lirit glance, when you enter the Cathedral, it may not appear particulary inviting.
It is understand that one may initially feel hesitant or overwhelm med upon the Cathedral.
From the outside, the architecture is chaotic as the Cathedral is a patchwork of architectural styles.
But I will show you why and demonstrate that Saint-Etienne is not as uninteresting as it may seem.
It is intriguing to learn that your region was involved in a religious conflict with Paris and the French King.
He had converted to the catholic religion , while we were what was called Cathares.
In the eyes of the King, we were simply heretics who needed to be eliminated ans converted.
It was in the 13th century that a violent battle called the " Albigensian Crusade " took place on the square in front of the Cathedral.
The crusader soldiers of the King of France opposed the defended of Toulouse, but it was the King's.
Certainly! The tumultuous events of the " Albigensian Crusade " had meaningful consequences on the architecture of the Cathedral.

Indeed, the cathedral initially had a nave in the style of medieval Romanesque architecture, which is characteristic of our region.
When the King of France won the battle, as a symbolic gesture, he planned to transform the Cathedral by marking it ressemble the Cathedrals in the northern part of France.
The most visible alteration was the construction of an immense nave a Gothic architectural style, which stood in stark contrast to the Romanesque nave, that you can see on the photo.
From the square, one quickly realizes: there is a rose window that is inspired by the one from Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

It houses mural, numerous relies, tombs and most importantly, the statue of Pierre Paul Riquet, who was the designer of the Canal du Midi.
Indeed, Pierre Paul Riquet is buried within the Cathedral.
It is worth nothing that all the stained glass windows are original.

The King of France continues to desire to transform and expand the cathedral in order to assert his power.
In the late 13th century, there was a project proposed by " Bertrand-de-l'Isles-Jourdain.
The project was intended to focus on the nave, but it was never completed because there simply wasn't enough money available. This was resulted in leaving Saint-Etienne Cathedral in a state of disarray, which still the case today.

Magnificent relic located in Saint-Etienne Cathedral.
There are at least ten of them.

In 1522, a young archbishop named " Jean D'Orléan " erected the impressive 55-meter high bell tower, which significantly advanced the project.
It is worth nothing that the bell tower has 17 bells.
In 1609, of fire broke out in a Cathedral, resulting in the complete destruction of its roof. It was " Pierre Levesville " who resolved to install a vault the nave.
Originally, the project planned for a height of 40 meters, but it ended up being built to a height of 28 meters.
The burned furniture was replaced with Gothic and Baroque pieces.

Saint-Etienne Cathedral boasts a magnificent organ that has been well maintained over time.
The original organ dates back to 1612.
It was expanded and restored several times between 1677 and 1787.
It weighs 13 tons, stands 12 meters tall and is 10 meters wide.
In 1977, It was classified as a historical monument in France.

I will tell you about the greatest cardinal of Toulouse: Cardinal Saliège.
Indeed, during the German occupation, cardinal Saliège took a stand in support of Jews during all of his masses.
For his actions, he received numerous decorations and was awarded the title of cardinal.
The Square of the Saint-Etienne Cathedral:

The fountain:
It was created by diverting an aqueduct that used supply water to the cloister of the Cathedral.
In the mi- 16th century, " Jean Rancy" grave it a renaissance style.
Later, it was transformed by Pierre Affre.
The prefecture:

From the photo, we can see that the porch opens onto a magnificent inner courtyard, with architecture completely in the Toulouse style.
Formerly the Episcopal Palace, it is now the seat of the regional prefect in the Republic.
The porch, the entrance door built in 1614 and the entire building constructed in the typical architecture Toulouse style, are classified as historical monuments.
Inside, you can find a stunning stair case, created in 1691 by the sculptor " Jean Pujos". Since 1800, more than 90 prefects have occupied the premises , coexisting with the General Council until 1999.
The chocolatier: CRIOLLO

A great find, this chocolatier from Toulouse is in my opinion, one the best in the city.
You can just buy chocolates, but since they also have a tea room, I recommend indulging in some sweet treats as well.
CRIOLLO: 2, Saint-Etienne Square 31 000 Toulouse.
The Italian restaurent: Officina-gusto:
Push the door and you will be amazed a beautiful painted ceiling with baked color, created by " Renées Aspe", a Toulouse based painter, who won the grand prize in New-York.
You will be able to enjoy refined Italian cuisine with impeccable service.
OFFICINA-GUSTO: 7, Saint-Etienne square 31 000 Toulouse.

On the square, the are several bars side by side.
In the evening, the terraces are sunny. Enjoy an aperitif and admire the charming of Saint-Etienne Cathedral, which is definitely worth mentioning.
That's all for today, I wish you a good read and I hope it will make you want to come visit Toulouse.
Welcome in Toulouse.
The Blog from Toulouse.
Greetings Franck.